Contact Cyprus Dream Weddings
Start your wedding planning journey right here with Cyprus Dream Weddings. Let us know a little bit more of your dream wedding and let us help you with full information. If you haven't received a reply, please check your spam & junk folders! As hard as we try, some emails end up finding their way in your spam or junk. If we haven't heard back from you in a couple of days, we'll pop a message through to make sure we connect. Please be aware that particularly during the wedding season, our team are often out of the office ensuring that all our weddings are flawless and stress free for the many happy couples who choose Cyprus Dream Weddings. For this reason, send us a quick email, leave a message on our office answer phone or contact us at any time on our dedicated mobile number.
Email: info@cyprusdreamweddings.com
Telephone: +357 26 813 050 | Mobile: +357 99 528410 / +357 99 472 586 | Fax: +357 26 813 051
If this is your initial enquiry please click on our no obligation enquiry form to which we will respond within 48 hours.
We can also be contacted via Messenger or on WhatsApp or Viber (+357 97947052)
Message Us on Messenger
Telephones: +357 26 813 050 | Mobile: +357 99 528410 | +357 99 472 586
Fax: +357 26 813 051 Email: info@cyprusdreamweddings.com
Postal address: Cyprus Dream Weddings, 85 Poseidonos Avenue, Limnaria Complex, Apt. 139, PO Box 61304, 8133 Kato Paphos, Cyprus